CBSE 12 Physics
01 Electric Charges and Fields
17 Topics
01.01 Electric Charge
01.02 Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulators
01.03 Basic Properties of Electric Charge
01.04 Electrostatic Induction
01.05 Coulomb’s Law
01.06 Force Between Multiple Charges
01.07 Electric Field
01.08 Electric field due to a system of charges
01.09 Electric Field Lines and Physical Significance of Electric Field
01.10 Electric Flux
01.11 Electric Dipole, Electric Field of Dipole
01.12 Dipole in Uniform External Field
01.13 Continuous charge distribution: Surface, linear and volume charge densities and their electric fields
01.14 Gauss Law
01.15 Field due to an infinitely long straight uniformly charged wire
01.16 Field Due to Uniformly Charged infinite Plane Sheet
01.17 Electric Field Due to Uniformly Charged Thin Spherical Shell
03 Current Electricity
13 Topics
3.01 Electric Current
3.02 Ohm’s Law
3.03 Drift of Electrons and Mobility
3.04 Limitation of Ohm’s law, Resistivity
3.05 Temperature dependence of Resistivity
3.06 Ohmic Losses, Electrical Energy and Power
3.07 Combination of Resistors
3.08 Cell, EMF and Internal Resistance
3.09 Cells in series and in parallel
3.10 Kirchhoff’s Law
3.11 Wheatstone Bridge
3.12 Meter Bridge
3.13 Potentiometer
04 Moving Charges and Magnetism
18 Topics
4.01 Concept of Magnetic Field
4.02 Magnetic Force on Current Carrying Conductor
4.03 Motion of a Charge in Magnetic Field
4.04 Velocity Selector
4.05 Cyclotron
4.06 Biot Savart’s Law
4.07 Magnetic Field on the Axis of Circular Current Carrying Loop
4.08 Ampere’s Circuital Law
4.09 Proof and Applications of Ampere’s Circuital Law
4.10 The Solenoid
4.11 Toroid
4.12 Force Between Two Parallel Current Carrying Conductor
4.13 Torque on a rectangular current loop with its plane aligned with Magnetic Field
4.14 Torque on a rectangular current loop with its plane at some angle with Magnetic Field
4.15 Circular Current Loop as Magnetic Dipole
4.16 The Magnetic Dipole Moment of a Revolving Electron
4.17 The Moving Coil Galvanometer
4.18 Conversion of Galvanometer to Ammeter and Voltmeter
05 Magnetism and Matter
14 Topics
5.01 Magnetic Phenomenon and Bar Magnets
5.02 Bar Magnet and Magnetic Field Lines
5.03 Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid
5.04 Magnetic dipole in a uniform magnetic field
5.05 Gauss’s Law in Magnetism
5.06 The Earth’s Magnetism
5.07 Magnetic Declination and Inclination
5.08 Magnetization and Magnetic Intensity
5.09 Magnetic Susceptibility and Magnetic Permeability
5.10 Magnetic Properties of Materials – Diamagnetism
5.11 Magnetic Properties of Materials – Paramagnetism
5.12 Ferromagnetism
5.13 Hysteresis
5.14 Permanent Magnets and Electromagnets
06 Electromagnetic Induction
11 Topics
6.01 Experiments of Faraday and Henry
6.02 Magnetic Flux And Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic induction
6.03 Lenz Law and Conservation of Energy
6.04 Motional Electromotive Force
6.05 Motional EMF and Energy Consideration
6.06 Eddy Currents
6.07 Applications of Eddy Currents
6.08 Mutual Inductance
6.09 Self-Inductance
6.10 Energy Stored in an Inductor
6.11 AC Generator
07 Alternating Current
18 Topics
7.01 AC Current – Introduction
7.02 AC Voltage Applied to a Resistor
7.03 Power in Resistive Circuit
7.04 Representation of AC current and Voltages: Phasor Diagram
7.05 AC Voltage applied to an Inductor
7.06 Power in Inductive Circuit
7.07 AC Voltage applied to a Capacitor
7.08 Power in Capacitive Circuit
7.09 AC Voltage applied to Series LCR Circuit: Phasor Diagram Solution
7.10 AC Voltage applied to Series LCR Circuit: Analytical Solution
7.11 Resonance in AC Circuit
7.12 Sharpness of Resonance and Q Factor
7.13 Power in AC Circuit: The Power Factor
7.14 LC Oscillator – Derivation of Current
7.15 LC Oscillator – Explanation of Phenomena
7.16 Analogous Study of Mechanical Oscillations with LC Oscillations
7.17 Construction and Working Principle of Transformers
7.18 Step Up, Step Down Transformers, and Limitations of Practical Transformer
08 Electromagnetic Waves
9 Topics
8.01 Introduction to Electromagnetic Waves
8.02 Displacement Current
8.03 Continuity of Current
8.04 Maxwell’s Equations and Lorentz Force
8.05 Sources of Electromagnetic Waves
8.06 Nature of Electromagnetic Waves
8.07 Electromagnetic Spectrum: Radio Waves, Microwaves
8.08 Electromagnetic Spectrum: Infrared Waves and Visible Light
8.09 Electromagnetic Spectrum: Ultraviolet Rays, X-rays and ƴ-rays
02 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
18 Topics
2.01 Electrostatic Potential Energy
2.02 Electrostatic Potential
2.03 Potential due to Point Charge
2.04 Potential due to an Electric Dipole
2.05 Potential due to System of Charges
2.06 Equipotential Surfaces
2.07 Relation between Electric field and Electric potential
2.08 Expression for Electric Potential Energy of System of Charges
2.09 Potential Energy in External Field
2.10 Potential energy of a dipole in an external field
2.11 Electrostatics of Conductors
2.12 Dielectrics and Polarization
2.13 Capacitors and Capacitance
2.14 The Parallel Plate Capacitor
2.15 Effect of Dielectric on Capacitance
2.16 Series and Parallel Combination of Capacitors
2.17 Energy Stored in Capacitor
2.18 Van de Graaff Generator
09 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
23 Topics
9.21 Compound Microscope
9.22 Refracting Telescope
9.23 Reflecting Telescope
10 Wave Optics
19 Topics
10.01 Wave Optics: Introduction and Historical Background
10.02 The Concept of Wavefront
10.03 Huygens Principle
10.04 Refraction of Plane Wave using Huygens Principle
10.05 Reflection of Plane Wave using Huygens Principle
10.06 The Doppler Effect
10.07 Red shift, Blue shift and Doppler Shift
10.08 Coherent and Incoherent Source
10.09 Coherent and Incoherent Addition of Waves: Constructive Interference
10.10 Coherent and Incoherent Addition of Waves: Destructive Interference
10.11 Conditions for Constructive and Destructive interference
10.12 Interference of Light waves and Young’s Experiment
10.13 Young’s Experiment, Positions of Maximum and Minimum Intensities and Fringe Width
10.14 Outcomings of Young’s Experiment
10.15 Diffraction of Light
10.16 Diffraction of light due to Single Slit
10.17 Resolving Power of Optical Instruments
10.18 Concept of Polarisation
10.19 Polarisation by scattering and Reflection
11 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
12 Topics
11.01 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter: Historical Journey
11.02 Electron Emission
11.03 Photoelectric Effect: Concept and Experimental Discoveries
11.04 Experimental Study of Photoelectric Effect
11.05 Effect of Potential Difference on Photoelectric Current
11.06 Effect of Frequency of Incident Radiation on Stopping Potential
11.07 Photoelectric Effect and Wave Theory of Light
11.08 Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation: Energy Quantum of Radiation
11.09 Particle Nature of Light: The Photon
11.10 Wave Nature of Matter – I
11.11 Wave Nature of Matter – II
11.12 Davisson and Germer Experiment
12 Atoms
10 Topics
12.01 Thomson’s Model of Atom
12.02 Alpha-Particle Scattering and Rutherford’s Nuclear Model of Atom
12.03 ⍺-Particle Trajectory and Electron Orbits
12.04 Atomic Spectra
12.05 Drawbacks of Rutherford’s Nuclear Model of Atom
12.06 Postulates of Bohr’s Model of Hydrogen Atom
12.07 Bohr’s Radius and Total Energy of an electron in Bohr’s Model of Hydrogen Atom
12.08 Energy Levels
12.09 Rydberg Constant and the line Spectra of Hydrogen Atom
12.10 De Broglie’s Explanation of Bohr’s Second Postulate of Quantisation and Limitations of Bohr’s Atomic Model
13 Nuclei
14 Topics
13.01 Atomic Masses and Composition of Nucleus
13.02 Discovery of Neutrons
13.03 Size of Nucleus
13.04 Mass-Energy Equivalence and Concept of Binding Energy
13.05 Binding Energy per Nucleon
13.06 Nuclear Forces
13.07 Concept of Radioactivity and Law of Radioactive Decay
13.08 Half-life and Mean-life
13.09 Radioactive Decay : ⍺-decay, β-decay and -decay
13.10 Nuclear Fission
13.11 Chain Reaction
Nuclear Reactor
13.13 Nuclear Fusion
13.14 Stellar Energy
14 Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits
23 Topics
14.01 Semiconductors Electronics: Introduction
14.02 Band Theory of Solids
14.03 Intrinsic Semiconductor
14.04 Extrinsic Semiconductor
14.05 Energy Band structure of Extrinsic Semiconductors
14.06 p-n Junction
14.07 Semiconductor Diode in Forward Bias
14.08 Semiconductor Diode in Reverse Bias
14.09 Application of Junction Diode – Half Wave Rectifier
14.10 Application of Junction Diode – Full Wave Rectifier
14.11 Zener Diode
14.12 Optoelectronic Junction Devices: Photodiode and Solar Cell
14.13 Light Emitting Diode (LED)
14.14 Concept and Structure of Bipolar Junction Transistor
14.15 Operation of Transistor
14.16 Common Emitter Transistor Characteristics
14.17 Transistor As a Switch
14.18 Transistor as an Amplifier: Principle
14.19 Transistor as an Amplifier – Common Emitter Configuration
14.20 Transistor as an Oscillator
15 Communication System
7 Topics
15.01 Communication System
15.02 Basic Terminology Used In Electronic Communication system
15.03 Bandwidth of Signal and Bandwidth of Transmission Medium
15.04 Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves
15.05 Need of Modulation
15.06 Types of Modulation and Concept of Amplitude Modulation
15.07 Production and Detection of Amplitude Modulated Wave
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4.17 The Moving Coil Galvanometer
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4.17 The Moving Coil Galvanometer
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