CBSE 11 Physics
01 Physical World
10 Topics
1.01 What is Physics?
1.02 Scientific Method
1.03 Scope of Physics
1.04 Excitement of Physics
1.05 What lies behind the phenomenal progress of Physics
1.06 Physics, Technology and Society
1.07 Fundamental Forces in Nature – I
1.08 Fundamental Forces in Nature – II
1.09 Towards Unification of Forces
1.10 Nature of Physical Laws
02 Units and Measurement
20 Topics
2.01 Units and Measurement
2.02 The International System of Units
2.03 Measurement of Length
2.04 Measurement of Large Distances: Parallax Method
2.05 Measurement of Small Distances: Size of Molecules
2.06 Measurement of Mass
2.07 Measurement of Time
2.08 Accuracy and Precision of Instruments
2.09 Errors in Measurement
2.10 Absolute Error, Relative Error and Percentage Error: Concept
2.11 Absolute Error, Relative Error and Percentage Error: Numerical
2.12 Combination of Errors: Error of a sum or difference
2.13 Combination of Errors: Error of a product or quotient
2.14 Significant Figures – I
2.15 Rules for Arithmetic Operations with Significant Figures
2.16 Rounding off the Uncertain Digits
2.17 Rules for Determining the Uncertainty in the result of Arithmetic Calculations
2.18 Dimensions of Physical Quantities
2.19 Dimensional Analysis
2.20 Applications of Dimensional Analysis
03 Motion in a Straight Line
18 Topics
3.01 Motion in a Straight Line
3.02 Position
3.03 Path Length and Displacement
3.04 Position Time Graph
3.05 Average Velocity and Average Speed
3.06 Numerical’s on Average Velocity and Average Speed
3.07 Instantaneous Velocity and Speed
3.08 Acceleration
3.09 Equation of Motion for constant acceleration: v=v0+at
3.10 Numericals based on v=v0+at
3.11 Equation of Motion for constant acceleration: x = v0t + ½ at2
3.12 Numericals based on x =v0t + ½ at2
3.13 Equation of motion for constant acceleration:v2= v02+2ax
3.14 Numericals based on Third Kinematic equation of motion v2= v02+2ax
3.15 Derivation of Equation of motion with the method of calculus
3.16 Applications of Kinematic Equations for uniformly accelerated motion
3.17 Relative Velocity
3.18 Numericals on Relative Velocity
04 Motion in a Plane
24 Topics
4.01 Scalars and Vectors – I
4.02 Scalars and Vectors – II
4.03 Multiplication of Vectors by Real Numbers
4.04 Addition and Subtraction of Vectors – Graphical Method
4.05 Resolution of Vectors -I
4.06 Resolution of Vectors – II
4.07 Examples on Resolution of Vectors
4.08 Vector Addition – Analytical Method
4.09 Numericals on Analytical Method of Vector Addition
4.10 Addition of vectors in terms of magnitude and angle θ
4.11 Numericals on Addition of vectors in terms of magnitude and angle θ
4.12 Motion in a Plane – Position Vector and Displacement
4.13 Motion in a Plane – Velocity
4.14 Motion in a Plane – Acceleration
4.15 Motion in a Plane with Constant Acceleration
4.16 Motion in a Plane with Constant Acceleration: Numericals
4.17 Relative Velocity in Two Dimensions
4.18 Projectile Motion: Horizontal Motion, Vertical Motion, and Velocity
4.19 Projectile Motion: Equation of Path of a Projectile
4.20 Projectile Motion: tm , Tf and their Relation
05 Laws of Motion
20 Topics
5.01 Laws of Motion: Aristotle’s Fallacy
5.02 The Law of Inertia
5.03 Newton’s First Law of Motion
5.04 Newton’s Second Law of Motion – I
5.05 Newton’s Second Law of Motion – II
5.06 Newton’s Second Law of Motion: Numericals
5.07 Newton’s Third Law of Motion
5.08 Numericals on Newton’s Third Law of Motion
5.09 Law of Conservation of Momentum
5.10 Equilibrium of a Particle
5.11 Equilibrium of a Particle: Numericals
5.12 Common Forces in Mechanics
5.13 Friction: Static Friction
5.14 Friction: Kinetic Friction
5.15 Friction: Rolling Friction
5.16 Circular Motion: Motion of Car on Level Road
5.17 Circular Motion: Motion of a Car on Level Road – Numericals
5.18 Circular Motion: Motion of a Car on Banked Road
5.19 Circular Motion: Motion of a Car on Banked Road – Numerical
5.20 Solving Problems in Mechanics
06 Work Energy and Power
23 Topics
6.01 The Scalar Product – Introduction
6.02 The Scalar Product – Properties
6.03 The Scalar Product – Numericals
6.04 The Work-Energy Theorem
6.05 Work
6.06 Work: Numericals
6.07 Kinetic Energy
6.08 Work Done by Variable Force
6.09 Work Energy Theorem For a Variable Force
6.10 The Concept of Potential Energy – I
6.11 The Concept of Potential Energy – II
6.12 Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces
6.13 Conservation of Mechanical Energy
6.14 Conservation of Mechanical Energy: Example
6.15 The Spring Force
6.16 Potential Energy of Spring
6.17 Potential Energy of Spring: Numericals
6.18 Various Forms of Energy: Law of Conservation of Energy
6.19 Power
6.20 Collisions: Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
07 System of Particles and Rotational Motion
29 Topics
7.01 Motion of a Rigid Body
7.02 Centre of Mass
7.03 Centre of Mass: Examples
7.04 Motion of Centre of Mass
7.05 Linear Momentum of a System of Particles
7.06 Cross Product or Vector Product of Two Vectors
7.07 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration – I
7.08 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration – II
7.09 Angular Velocity: Numericals
7.10 Moment of Force (Torque)
7.11 Angular Momentum of a Particle
7.12 Relationship between moment of a force ‘?’ and angular momentum ‘l’
7.13 Moment of Force and Angular Momentum: Numericals
7.14 Equilibrium of a Rigid Body
7.15 Equilibrium of a Rigid Body – Numericals
7.16 Principle of moments
7.17 Centre of Gravity
7.18 Moment of Inertia
7.19 Moment of Inertia for some regular shaped bodies
7.20 Radius of Gyration
08 Gravitation
15 Topics
8.01 Historical Introduction of Gravitation
8.02 Kepler’s Laws
8.03 Universal Law of Gravitation
8.04 The Gravitational Constant
8.05 Numericals on Universal Law of Gravitation
8.06 Acceleration due to Gravity on the surface of Earth
8.07 Acceleration due to gravity above the Earth’s surface
8.08 Acceleration due to gravity below the Earth’s surface
8.09 Acceleration due to gravity: Numericals
8.10 Gravitational Potential Energy
8.11 Escape Velocity
8.12 Earth Satellites
8.13 Energy of An Orbiting Satellite
8.14 Geostationary and Polar Satellites
8.15 Weightlessness
09 Mechanical Properties of Solids
11 Topics
9.01 Mechanical Properties of Solids: An Introduction
9.02 Elastic Behaviour of Solids
9.03 Stress and Strain
9.04 Stress and Strain: Numericals
9.05 Hooke’s Law and Young’s Modulus
9.06 Stress-Strain Curve
9.07 Elastic Moduli: Young’s Modulus
9.08 Determination of Young’s Modulus of Material
9.09 Elastic Moduli: Shear Modulus
9.10 Elastic Moduli: Bulk Modulus
9.11 Applications of Elastic Behaviour of Materials
10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids
26 Topics
10.01 Fluids
10.02 Pressure in a Fluid
10.03 Pascal’s Law
10.04 Variation of Pressure with Depth
10.05 Atmospheric Pressure and Gauge Pressure
10.06 Fluid Pressure: Numericals
10.07 Hydraulic Machines
10.08 Hydraulic Machines: Numericals
10.09 Streamline Flow and Turbulent Flow
10.10 Equation of Continuity
10.11 Bernoulli’s Principle
10.12 Speed of Efflux: Torricelli’s Law
10.13 Venturi-meter
10.14 Blood Flow and Heart Attack
10.15 Dynamic Lift
10.16 Viscosity
10.17 Stokes’ Law
10.18 Viscosity and Stokes’ Law: Numericals
10.19 Reynolds Number
10.20 Surface Tension: Concept Explanation
11 Thermal Properties of Matter
21 Topics
11.21 Newton’s Law of Cooling: Numericals
12 Thermodynamics
20 Topics
12.01 Thermodynamics: Introduction
12.02 Thermal Equilibrium
12.03 Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
12.04 Heat, Internal Energy and Work
12.05 First Law of Thermodynamics
12.06 Specific Heat Capacity
12.07 Specific Heat Capacity of Water
12.08 Thermodynamic State Variables and Equation of State
12.09 Thermodynamic Processes: Quasi-Static Process
12.10 Thermodynamic Processes: Isothermal Process
12.11 Thermodynamic Processes: Adiabatic Process – I
12.12 Thermodynamic Processes: Adiabatic Process – II
12.13 Thermodynamic Processes: Isochoric, Isobaric and Cyclic Processes
12.14 Heat Engines
12.15 Refrigerators and Heat Pumps
12.16 Second Law of Thermodynamics
12.17 Reversible and Irreversible Process
12.18 Carnot Engine: Concept of Carnot Cycle
12.19 Carnot Engine: Work done and Efficiency
12.20 Carnot Engine: Carnot Theorem
13 Kinetic Theory
17 Topics
13.01 Kinetic Theory of Gases: Introduction
13.02 Assumptions of Kinetic Theory of Gases
13.03 Behaviour of Gases – I
13.04 Behaviour of Gases- II
13.05 Behaviour of Gases- III
13.06 Behaviour of Gases: Examples
13.07 Kinetic Theory of an Ideal Gas: Pressure of an Ideal Gas
13.08 Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature
13.09 Mean Velocity, Mean square velocity and R.M.S. Velocity
13.10 Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature: Numericals
13.11 Degrees of Freedom
13.12 Law of Equipartition of Energy
13.13 Specific Heat Capacity of Monatomic gas
13.14 Specific Heat Capacity of Diatomic gas
13.15 Specific Heat Capacity of Polyatomic gas
13.16 Specific heat capacities of Solids and Liquids
13.17 Mean Free Path
14 Oscillations
18 Topics
14.01 Introduction to Oscillatory Motion
14.02 Periodic and Oscillatory Motion
14.03 Period and Frequency of Oscillation
14.04 Displacement in Oscillatory Motion
14.05 Simple Harmonic Motion
14.06 Terms Related to Simple Harmonic Motion
14.07 Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion
14.08 Velocity and Acceleration in Simple Harmonic Motion
14.09 Force Law for Simple Harmonic Motion
14.10 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion – I
14.11 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion – II
14.12 Oscillation due to Spring
14.13 The Simple Pendulum
14.14 Angular acceleration, Angular frequency and Time period of Simple Pendulum
14.15 Damped Simple Harmonic Motion
14.16 Forced Oscillations and Resonance – I
14.17 Forced Oscillations and Resonance – II
14.18 Simple Harmonic Motion: Numericals
15 Waves
24 Topics
15.01 What are Waves?
15.02 Importance of Waves
15.03 Types of Waves
15.04 Characteristics of Wave Motion
15.05 Transverse Waves
15.06 Longitudinal Waves
15.07 Displacement Equation of Progressive Wave
15.08 Important terms in wave motion -I
15.09 Important terms in wave motion -II
15.10 Equation of a progressive wave: Numerical
15.11 The Speed of the Travelling Wave
15.12 The Speed of a Transverse Wave
15.13 The Speed of a Longitudinal Wave
15.14 Comparison of speed of waves in Solid, Liquid and Gases
15.15 The Principle of Superposition of Waves
15.16 Interference
15.17 Reflection of Waves
15.18 Standing Waves or Stationary Waves
15.19 Normal Modes of Standing Waves – I
15.20 Normal Modes of Standing Waves – II
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11.05 Thermal Expansion – II
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11.05 Thermal Expansion – II
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